Tattooing is an ancient way of a body piercing in India, which mainly emerged from a place called in India. The tattoo designs during the ancient times varied from scary art to very cupid artwork. Tattooing is a common phenomenon in India, and you can find it being done everywhere.
The Indian Tattoo Designs come in various forms and are classified into two sub categories: one for men and the other for a woman.The most beautiful lady of the world has got a tattoo done on her that has set a trend fortattooing. India is well known for its tattoo ink, tattoo machines, tattoo equipments, tattoo techniques, tips and grips, bars and needles. A henna tattoois an art of tattooing that was found only in India. This type of tattoo design is popular and famous in the fashion industries. It is now being used even for bridal ceremonies, corporate activities, birthdays and marriages too. You can find a lot of people wearing these henna tattoos. A woman in India feels that these tattoos can bring fertility, and it can also drive away bad spirits from touching them. Young women are encouraged to get a tattoo done to add to their beauty.
There are several tattoo designs within the Hindu culture. They are listed below with their meanings:
o Swastika - This is an ancient symbol that is opposite of the Nazi’s swastika.
o Lotus blossoms - Symbol of happiness.
o Dots - Symbol to drive out the evil eyes.
o Scorpio - Symbol of good luck.
- Indian Tattoo
- Indian Tattoo
- Indian Tattoo
The lifestyle of every Indian has changed a lot with information technology. Along with it,tattooing is an art that has changed widely to adapt itself to the modern culture. Many new tattoo designs have come up with ideas from the western culture. The most commonly used tattoos are the temporary tattoos. The typical Indian art is thetattoos in the form of henna. This is a temporary ink mark made from henna plant.Indian tattoos are meant to display the work done by every human in their daily life.
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