Miley Cyrus “Just Breathe” Tattoo:
Miley Cyrus has 9 tattoos. The pop singer and Hannah Montana star has “Just Breathe” on her chest, “Love” in her ear, a dream catcher on her side, and an anchor on her wrist. On her right hand she has 5 tiny tattoos on her fingers: an equal sign, a peace symbol, a cross, a heart, and the word “karma.”
The tattoo is a tribute to her friend Vanessa who died of the lung disease cystic fibrosis in 2007 and her grandfathers who both died of lung cancer. She told Harper’s Bazaar:
“It reminds me not to take things for granted. I mean breathing – that was something none of them could do, the most basic thing. And I put it near my heart, because that is where they will always be.”
Miley’s second tattoo is the word “LOVE”
Miley cirus Love tattoo on the inside of her right ear
“I have ‘Love’ right here to block out all the crap that everyone throws into your ears…I don’t really care about it. [You're] only supposed to hear the things coming from the people that genuinely love you.”
She also told E! News:
“There’s so much negativity in the world and what you only need to hear is all the love. People try to say to me, ‘I just heard someone say this or that about you,’ and I just ignore it because it’s irrelevant. Love is what makes the world go around, and that’s all we need to focus on.
Miley dream catcher tattoo:
miley cyrus dream catcher tattoo
”In February 2011 Miley had a dream catcher tattooed on her right side. This is her largest tattoo to date. A friend told People Magazine:
“It’s a picture of the dream catcher that hangs over her bed with four feathers to represent her four brothers and sisters. The dream catcher is to protect them.
Miley Cyrus anchor tattoo:
Miley Cyrus Anchor Tattoo
“Everyone had an idea in mind and references. She asked me something soft, I made two drawings and she chose one. Miley told her mother that she wanted something that refers to a safe port, something that reminded her that she always has a safe place to return to. The significance of the design is one of hope and a reminder to always have your feet on the ground.”
Miley Cyrus has five tattoos on her right hand.
miley cirus finger tattoos
In September 2010 she had a small outline of a heart tattooed on her pinkie finger and in December 2010 she added a tiny cross on the inside of her ring finger. It also looks like there was a small line on the side of her middle finger which has now been turned into a peace sign. In July 2011 she had the word “karma” tattooed along the side of her index finger.
Miley hasn’t spoken to the press about why she had any of these hand tattoos done, but she has previously said “I could never get a meaningless tattoo,” so there must be a story behind them.
The one finger tattoo which Miley has spoken about is the equal sign on her ring finger, added in July 2011, which she tweeted a photo of with the caption “All LOVE is equal.” This is believed to be a statement in favor of gay marriage.
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